Belgrade Airport upgrades airbridges

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has begun upgrading its terminal two airbridges, installed back in 2005. The upgrade will include improvement to safety, mobility and the programmable logic controller (PLC). Work will be carried out on the airbridges at gates C1 to C5. The price tag for the upgrade amounts to 393.000 euros. The project is expected to be completed by February 15, 2015. Late last year the airport put into operation six new airbridges from gates A1 to A5 as well as gate C6.


  1. Anonymous12:35

    Any info, why is that needed, what they'll be able to do now that they didn't previously?

  2. Anonymous12:45

    Will they be the same as A1-A5?

  3. Anonymous14:19

    Improve not change or re-install.

  4. Tape of air bridges installed on BEG. airport is basic to any hub, or those airports with aspiration to be medium size airport . ANT Belgrade is one of those Hard to waiting full development of this Serbian airport for the future...

  5. AirCEO23:33

    Sledećih nekoliko meseci očekujem zimski san u odnosu na period od avgusta prošle godine kad je Air Serbia u pitanju. Ostvarili su skoro sve što sam od njih očekivao za ovu godinu. Naravno biće novih linija, novih aviona, rasta, unutrašnjih promena i ponekog manjeg iznenađenja ali ne očekujem drastične promene kursa do početka prekookeanskih letova.

    Kada je aerodrom Beograd u pitanju tu sam potuno razočaran nedostatkom ambicije i volje da se ostvari dugoročna vizija. Naravno biće i tu najavljenih renovacija u sledećim mesecima, drugih promena i rasta putnika ali izgleda da su sve nade izgubljene za odluku o novom terminalu i koncesionaru pre sledećeg leta.

    Izgleda da je vreme da se i ja povučem u zimski san. Probudite me kad stignu Air Serbia A330 ili se aerodrom da u koncesiju!


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